CASE STUDY: CHP Installation for a well known Dairy
Project summary
Midlands Power Networks Ltd have recently completed the high voltage design and installation to facilitate the integration of a new 1MW – 415V CHP generator in to the existing high voltage 11KV distribution network.
The project comprised of the following elements which were successfully undertaken “in house” by Midlands Power Networks Ltd;
- Calculation of the fault level contribution to the distribution network operator (DNO)
- ENA Generation Application to Western Power Distribution (DNO)
- High Voltage and Low Voltage design Work
- HV / LV Protection and Grading Study
- Installation of HV switchgear, transformer, HV & LV cabling, GRP Housing including foundation and emergency tripping
- Senior Authorised Person switching and permits
- Out of hours shutdown to connect in to the existing HV network
- HV / LV Testing and Commissioning
- Liaison with WPD for the G59/3 witness testing
- Guidance on Operation and Maintenance